Each year, a home and health care waiver program through Medicaid provides billions of dollars to individuals with a disability, illness, or other chronic condition to aide them in paying for home health care services. Often, family members, friends, and local workers provide these services.

For years, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), has been collecting dues from these healthcare workers without their permission, even having them reclassified as state employees so they would be forced to pay into the union.

But these workers are not alone. Groups like MNCPA, a Minnesota coalition of personal care attendants, are fighting for their rights, and the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) has introduced a proposed rule change to help end the practice of public funds being diverted to union coffers. They accepted public comments on this potential rule change through August 13.

To learn more about this “dues skimming” practice, read this article at Heartland.org.


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