Carrier Corporation
Case Number: 10-RC-310798 Date Filed: 01/24/2023 Status: Open No Employees: 100 Location: Charlotte, NC Region Assigned: Region 10, Atlanta, Georgia Unit Sought: Included All full time and regular part time assembly technicians, welders, line leads, utility employees, quality control employees, machinists, engineers, and electricians engaged in production and maintenance employed by the Employer at its facility located at 9701 Old Statesville Rd., #7630, Charlotte, NC 2826; Excluded: All other employees, clericals, professionals, guards, managers and supervisors as defined by the Act. UA Local 421
Lutheran Hospital
Case Number: 08-RD-310824 Date Filed: 01/24/2023 Status: Open No Employees: 191 Location: Cleveland, OH Region Assigned: Region 08, Cleveland, Ohio Unit Sought: Included: All dietary employees, laundry employees, housekeeping employees, maintenance employees, central supply employees including the technician, physical therapy assistants and aides, and nursing service employees, including Licensed Practical Nurses, nursing department assistants (transporters), nursing department assistant IIs, nursing department assistant IIIs, behavioral health technicians, and division clerks. Excluded: All office clerical employees, dietary clerical employees, coffee shop employee, student nurses, technical students, mail room employees, all other technical employees, orderlies, stores clerk, stockman, driver, darkroom aide, Registered Nurses and all other professional employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the National Labor Relations Act of 1974, as amended. Service Employees International Union, District 1199 WV/KY/OH, The Healthcare and Social Service Union