JLL Jones Lang LaSalle
Case Number: 32-RC-325858 Date Filed: 09/15/2023 Status: Open No Employees: 9 Location: Milpitas, CA Region Assigned: Region 32, Oakland, California Unit Sought: Included: All full time and part time Chief Engineers, Assistant Chief Engineers, Stationary Engineers, Apprentice Engineers and Utility Engineers. Excluded: All other classifications, including but not limited to guards, managers, confidential employees and supervisors as defined by the Act. International Union of Operating Engineers, Stationary Engineers, Local 39 AFL-CIO
West Agro, Inc., d/b/a Delaval Manufacturing
Case Number: 32-RC-325844 Date Filed: 09/15/2023 Status: Open No Employees: 9 Location: Turlock, CA Region Assigned: Region 32, Oakland, California Unit Sought: Included: All Production and Maintenance employees Excluded: All other employees Teamsters Local 386