Alamo Intermediate II Holdings, LLC 

 Case Number: 02-RM-326127 Date Filed: 09/20/2023 Status: Open No Employees: 105   Location: New York, NY Region Assigned: Region 02, New York, New York  Unit Sought: Included: All Fulltime and part time employees at Employer’s lower Manhattan location Excluded: All supervisors, as defined by the Act, and Technical Engineers/Projectionists  Local 2179 of the International Union, UAW  

OSS Inc 

 Case Number: 08-RC-326172 Date Filed: 09/20/2023 Status: Open No Employees: 40   Location: Cleveland, OH Region Assigned: Region 08, Cleveland, Ohio  Unit Sought: Included:  All full-time and regular part-time unarmed security officers  performing guard duties as defined in section 9(b)(3) of the National  Labor Relations Act, employed by the Employer as noted in 11D Excluded:  All office clerical employees, professional employees and supervisors as  defined by the Act.  United Federation LEOS-PBA Law Enforcement Officers Security & Police Benevolent Association  

Alstom Mass Transit Corporation 

 Case Number: 03-RM-326088 Date Filed: 09/20/2023 Status: Open No Employees: 111   Location: Plattsburgh, NY Region Assigned: Region 03, Buffalo, New York  Unit Sought: Included:  Production employees Excluded: Managers, Supervisors, Quality Control,  Production Control, Office/Administration and Engineers International Association of Machinists & Aerospace Workers, AFL-CIO   

Tufts University 

 Case Number: 01-RC-326119 Date Filed: 09/20/2023 Status: Open No Employees: 263   Location: Medford, MA Region Assigned: Region 01, Boston, Massachusetts  Unit Sought: Included: All PhD students enrolled and working in the Tufts School of Engineering who provide instructional or research services, whether as an Teaching Assistant, Graduate Instructor, Teaching Fellow, Research Assistant, Research Fellow, or course assistant, as a condition of receiving a stipend and/or tuition remission (regardless of funding sources). Excluded: All undergraduate students; all post-baccalaureate students who work or provide services outside of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences or School of Engineering; all other faculty; all other employees, managers, confidential employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. Service Employees International Union, Local 509   


 Case Number: 01-RC-326159 Date Filed: 09/20/2023 Status: Open No Employees: 9   Location: South Portland, ME Region Assigned: Region 01, Boston, Massachusetts  Unit Sought: Included: All full and part time hourly foremen and terminal operator employees.  Excluded: Managers, supervisory, clerical, security and others defined by the act. United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied  Industrial and Service Workers International Union, AFL-CIO

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