Compass Ventures, Inc. d/b/a Curaleaf
Case Number: 14-RC-326236 Date Filed: 09/21/2023 Status: Open No Employees: 125 Location: Litchfield, IL Region Assigned: Region 14, Saint Louis, Missouri Unit Sought: Included: All Full time & part time employees in Harvest, Cultivation, Fertigation, Kitchen, Production, Delivery Drivers, Fulfillment, Facility Maintenance, quality control, processing, and Leads. Excluded: Managers, security guards. United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 881
Overseas Shipholding Group, Inc.
Case Number: 12-RM-326221 Date Filed: 09/21/2023 Status: Open No Employees: 104 Location: Tampa, FL Region Assigned: Region 12, Tampa, Florida Unit Sought: Included: All full-time and regular part-time licensed deck officers, including Chief Mates, Floating Chief Mates, Second Mates, and Third Mates, employed on U.S. Flag vessels operated by OSG Ship Management, Inc. Excluded: All other employees, Captains, deck cadets, non-licensed deck officers, licensed deck officers on vessels operated by Alaska Tanker Company, LLC, licensed deck officers on articulated tug barges, and guards and supervisors as defined by the Act. International Organization of Masters, Mates & Pilots
Reliance Plumbing, Sewer and Drainage, Inc.
Case Number: 13-RC-326217 Date Filed: 09/21/2023 Status: Open No Employees: 14 Location: Northbrook, IL Region Assigned: Region 13, Chicago, Illinois Unit Sought: Included: All regular full time and part time service and underground plumbers, technicians, and helpers employed by the Employer out of its office located at 1848 Techny Rd., Northbrook, IL 60062. Excluded: All other employees, professionals, guards, clericals, managers, and supervisors as defined by the Act. Chicago Journeyman Plumbers’ Local 130 UA
Case Number: 27-RC-326280 Date Filed: 09/21/2023 Status: Open No Employees: 64 Location: West Valley City, UT Region Assigned: Region 27, Denver, Colorado Unit Sought: Included: Mechanics, Techs, CSR/Fuelers, Leads Excluded: Administration and Counter, Supervisors, Office Clerical Employees, Janitors, and Guards. International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 222
Sierra Nevada Memorial Hospital
Case Number: 20-RC-326262 Date Filed: 09/21/2023 Status: Open No Employees: 2 Location: Grass Valley, CA Region Assigned: Region 20, San Francisco, California Unit Sought: Included: Pathology Secretaries into the already existing Teamsters Local 150 unit. Excluded: All other employees, guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act. Teamsters Union Local No. 150