Starbucks Corporation 

 Case Number: 14-RC-331163 Date Filed: 12/04/2023 Status: Open No Employees: 20   Location: Omaha, NE Region Assigned: Region 14, Saint Louis, Missouri  Unit Sought: Included: All full-time and regular part-time Baristas and Shift Supervisors; Excluded: Store managers, assistant managers, office clericals, guards, professionals, supervisors Workers United Affiliated with Service Employees International Union    

Sea World LLC 

 Case Number: 21-RC-331174 Date Filed: 12/04/2023 Status: Open No Employees: 140   Location: San Diego, CA Region Assigned: Region 21, Los Angeles, California  Unit Sought: Included:     All Zoological employees including but not limited to:  animal  trainers, aquarists, aviculturists, animal care provider.  Excluded:     All other employees Automotive and Allied Industries Employees of San Diego County, Teamsters Local 481, International Brotherhood of Teamsters  

The Advocates for Human Rights 

 Case Number: 18-RC-331183 Date Filed: 12/04/2023 Status: Open No Employees: 25   Location: Minneapolis, MN Region Assigned: Region 18, Minneapolis, Minnesota  Unit Sought: Included:  Communications Manager; Communications & Outreach Coordinator;  Development Assistant; Development Associate; Immigrant Justice Corps  Fellow; Intake Coordinator; International Justice Program Associate;  Policy Manager; Pro Bono Counsel; Program Assistant; Program Associate;  Program Coordinator; Research, Education, and Advocacy Associate; Staff  Attorney; Senior Staff Attorney; Supervising Attorney; Supervising  Litigation Attorney.  Excluded: Supervisors, managers, confidential employees, and guards as  defined by the National Labor Relations Act. Office and Professional Employees International Union, Local 12   

Palo Alto Medical Foundation Mountain View & Sunnyvale 

 Case Number: 32-RD-331171 Date Filed: 12/04/2023 Status: Open No Employees: 28   Location: Sunnyvale, CA Region Assigned: Region 32, Oakland, California  Unit Sought: Included:   All Registered Nurses employed by the Employer in its infusion oncology  department and other hematology departments at its facilities located at  301 Old San Francisco Rd, Sunnyvale, CA and 701 E El Camino Real,  Mountain View, CA   Excluded:  All other employees, Breast Health Navigators/Clinical Nurse  Specialists, confidential employees, office clerical employees, guards,  and supervisors as defined in the Act Engineers and Scientists of California, Local 20 IFPTE   

Drake Traffic Control Services, Inc. 

 Case Number: 32-RC-331191 Date Filed: 12/04/2023 Status: Open No Employees: 8   Location: Tulare, CA Region Assigned: Region 32, Oakland, California  Unit Sought: Included: All traffic control technicians working out of the Tulare address  Excluded: All other employees, guards and supervisors Teamsters Local 948 

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