Case Number: 15-RC-360159 Date Filed: 02/12/2025 Status: Open No Employees: 28 Location: Jackson, MS Region Assigned: Region 15, New Orleans, Louisiana Unit Sought: Existing Unit: Journeyman Lineman, Senior Lineman, Lineman Apprentice 4th Year, Lineman Apprentice 3rd Year, Lineman Apprentice 2nd Year, Lineman Apprentice 1st Year, Crane Operator, Senior Cable Splicer, Journeyman Cable Splicer, Cable Splicer Apprentice 4th Year, Cable Splicer Apprentice 3rd Year, Cable Splicer Apprentice 2nd Year, Cable Splicer Apprentice 1st Year, Head Tree Trimmer, Tree Trimmer, T&E Mechanic, T&E Apprentice, Sr. Substation Technician, Substation Technician, Substation Apprentice 4th Year, Substation Apprentice 3rd Year, Substation Apprentice 2nd Year, Substation Apprentice 1st Year, Relay Technician, Relay Apprentice 4th Year, Relay Apprentice 3rd Year, Relay Apprentice 2nd Year, Relay Apprentice 1st Year, System Relay Technician, System Dispatcher, Substation Operator A, Assistant System Dispatcher, Sr. Telecommunication Technician, Telecommunication Technician, Telecommunication Apprentice, System Meterman, Electric Meterman, Apprentice Electric Meterman, Meterman Apprentice, Polyphase Meter Installer-Jackson, Appr. Poly. Meter Installer-Jackson, Utilityman, Unit Leader Upgrade, Unit Leader Upgrade, Serviceman, Shift Serviceman, Appr. Serviceman-Outside Jackson, Customer Service Dispatcher, Service Dispatcher-Greenville, Distribution Dispatcher-Jackson, Assistant Distribution Dispatcher, Carpenter-Painter, Helper, Laborer, Laborer-Mayes St Warehouse, Bus Operator-Jackson, Distribution Operator, Special Meter Reader-Jackson, Meter Reader, Storekeeper, Electric Locator, “Electric Locator Apprentice 2nd Year”, Electric Locator Apprentice 1st Year, Storekeeper, Electric Locator, “Sr. Telecommunication Technician”, Telecommunication Technician Employees Included: Clerks Employees Excluded: All clerical, supervisors, management, guards, and all others defined by the act. Resulting Unit: Journeyman Lineman, Senior Lineman, Lineman Apprentice 4th Year, Lineman Apprentice 3rd Year, Lineman Apprentice 2nd Year, Lineman Apprentice 1st Year, Crane Operator, Senior Cable Splicer, Journeyman Cable Splicer, Cable Splicer Apprentice 4th Year, Cable Splicer Apprentice 3rd Year, Cable Splicer Apprentice 2nd Year, Cable Splicer Apprentice 1st Year, Head Tree Trimmer, Tree Trimmer, T&E Mechanic, T&E Apprentice, Sr. Substation Technician, Substation Technician, Substation Apprentice 4th Year, Substation Apprentice 3rd Year, Substation Apprentice 2nd Year, Substation Apprentice 1st Year, Relay Technician, Relay Apprentice 4th Year, Relay Apprentice 3rd Year, Relay Apprentice 2nd Year, Relay Apprentice 1st Year, System Relay Technician, System Dispatcher, Substation Operator A, Assistant System Dispatcher, Sr. Telecommunication Technician, Telecommunication Technician, Telecommunication Apprentice, System Meterman, Electric Meterman, Apprentice Electric Meterman, Meterman Apprentice, Polyphase Meter Installer-Jackson, Appr. Poly. Meter Installer-Jackson, Utilityman, Unit Leader Upgrade, Unit Leader Upgrade, Serviceman, Shift Serviceman, Appr. Serviceman-Outside Jackson, Customer Service Dispatcher, Service Dispatcher-Greenville, Distribution Dispatcher-Jackson, Assistant Distribution Dispatcher, Carpenter-Painter, Helper, Laborer, Laborer-Mayes St Warehouse, Bus Operator-Jackson, Distribution Operator, Special Meter Reader-Jackson, Meter Reader, Storekeeper, Electric Locator, “Electric Locator Apprentice 2nd Year”, Electric Locator Apprentice 1st Year, Storekeeper, Electric Locator, “Sr. Telecommunication Technician”, Telecommunication Technician, Clerk International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local #605
Highlander Charter School
Case Number: 01-RC-360152 Date Filed: 02/12/2025 Status: Open No Employees: 5 Location: Providence, RI Region Assigned: Region 01, Boston, Massachusetts Unit Sought: Included: student support specialists, secretary, nurse, technology support, and maintenance employees employed by the Employer at its Providence, RI pre-K through grade 6 facility. Excluded: All office clerical employees, confidential employees, managers, guards, and supervisors as defined in the National Labor Relations Act. The petitioner is seeking an Armour-Globe election to add these employees to the existing unit represented by the Union. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, Local 2323
Delaware Resource Group of Oklahoma, LLC
Case Number: 04-RC-360151 Date Filed: 02/12/2025 Status: Open No Employees: 4 Location: Middletown, PA Region Assigned: Region 04, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Unit Sought: Included: All full-time and part-time non-exempt Electronic Technicians employed on the contract for AFSOC ACTS at Harrisburg, ANG PA Excluded: All other employees and usual exclusions: office clerical, professional, managerial, guards and supervisors as defined in the act. International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers District 98 a/w International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers AFL-CIO
Case Number: 15-RC-360182 Date Filed: 02/12/2025 Status: Open No Employees: 7 Location: New Orleans, LA Region Assigned: Region 15, New Orleans, Louisiana Unit Sought: Included: Cashiers, Team Leaders Excluded: Management, supervisor personnel International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 270
Case Number: 32-RC-360184 Date Filed: 02/12/2025 Status: Open No Employees: 46 Location: Elko, NV Region Assigned: Region 32, Oakland, California Unit Sought: Included: All full-time and regular part-time employees of the employer employed at 2505 Mountain City Hwy, Elko, NV Excluded: Store team leader, assistant store leader and operations team leader, supervisors and guards United Food & Commercial Workers Union, Local 711