Case Number: 01-RC-361421 Date Filed: 03/06/2025 Status: Open No Employees: 38 Location: Lyndon, VT Region Assigned: Region 01, Boston, Massachusetts Unit Sought: Included: All non-supervisory and non-confidential employees working at the Lyndonville Depot. Excluded: Supervisors and confidential employees. VERMONT NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION
Nubold Services
Case Number: 15-RC-361432 Date Filed: 03/06/2025 Status: Open No Employees: 14 Location: London, AR Region Assigned: Region 15, New Orleans, Louisiana Unit Sought: Included: all housekeepers Excluded: supervisors, guards, etc in accordance with the act Laborers International Union of North America Local 360
Curran Contracting
Case Number: 25-RC-361461 Date Filed: 03/06/2025 Status: Open No Employees: 100 Location: Crystal Lake, IL Region Assigned: Region 25, Indianapolis, Indiana Unit Sought: Included: 1. All full-time and regular part-time employees employed by the Employer within the geographic jurisdiction of Teamsters Local Union Local Nos. 179, 301, 330, 673, 705, 731, and 786 in the classifications set forth below in the performance of work involved in the following operations. a. Heavy construction: Heavy construction is defined as constructing substantially in its entirety any fixed structure, other improvement or modification thereof, or an addition or repair thereto, including any structure or operation which is an incidental part of the contract thereof, including without limitation; the loading, unloading and transporting of heavy equipment, railroads and street railway construction project, sewers, water mains, grade separations, foundations, pile driving, piers, abutments, retaining highways, drainage projects, sanitation projects, aqueducts, irrigation projects, flood control projects, reclamation projects, reservoirs, water supply projects, water power development, hydro-electric development, duct lines, pipelines, locks, dams, dikes, levees, revetments, channels, channel cutoffs, intakes, dredging projects, jetties, breakwaters, docks, harbors, industrial sites, airpo11s, excavation and disposal of earth and rock. b. Highway construction work: Highway construction work is defined as all work ordinarily included in highway construction contracts, bridges, sewer and street grading, street paving, curb setting, sidewalks, etc.; and landscaping on work where prevailing wage rules are in effect. c. Removal and disposal of rubbish from wrecking jobs. d. Snow removal. e. Hauling of cinders, slag, asphalt (including liquid asphalt), sand fill and alJ other types of fill on construction jobs. f. Delivery to and spreading on the construction site or the road bed of any stabilized base materials to be used as a subsurface, including but not limited to fill, Poz-O-Pac, aggregate materials, Bituminous aggregate materials, Cement aggregate materials, or any other trade name of base or paving material. g. Back filling. h. Digging. i. Leveling and grading. j. Street sprinkling and flushing. k. Concrete breaking. l. Pipeline work. m. Pavement marking and sealing. n. Construction, slag and sludge hauling or any other trucking in or out of steel mills. o. Hauling of salt. p. Asphalt plant in areas where it has been past practice. q. The hauling of recycled broken concrete and recycled asphalt. r. Concrete Pumper Trucks. s. Concrete Crushing Plants. t. Hauling of dirt loaded on and removed from the job site (road construction only). 2. Classifications: GROUP I Frame Truck when used for transportation purposes Air Compressor and Welding Machines, including those pulled by cars, pick-up trucks and tractors Ambulances Articulated Dumps Batch Gate Lockers Batch Hopperman Car and Truck Washers Carry Alls Fork Lifts and Hoisters Helpers Mechanics Helpers and Greasers Oil Distributors, two-man operation Pavement Breakers Pole Trailer, up to 40 feet Pothole Repair Trucks Power Mower Tractors Quick Change Barrier Self-Propelled Chip Spreader Shipping and Receiving Clerks and Checkers Skipman Sluny Trucks, two-man operation Slurry Trucks, Conveyor Operated – 2 or 3 man operation Teamsters Unskilled Dumpmen Warehousemen and Dockmen Truck Drivers hauling warning lights, barricades, and po1table toilets on the job site. GROUP 2 Dispatcher Dump Crets and Adgetors under seven (7) yards Dumpsters, Track Trucks, Euclids, Hug Bottom Dump Turnapulls or Turnatrailers when pulling other than self-loading equipment or similar equipment under 16 cubic yards Mixer Trucks under seven (7) yards Ready-Mix Plant Hopper Operator Winch Trucks, 2 Axles GROUP 3 Dump Crets and Adgetors, seven (7) yards and over Dumpsters, Track Trucks, Euclids, Hug Bottom DumpTurnatrailers or Turnapulls when pulling other than self-loading equipment or similar equipment over 16 cubic yards Explosives and/or Fission Material Trucks Mixer Trucks, seven (7) yards or over Mobile Cranes while in transit Oil Distributors, one-man operation Pole Trailer, over 40 feet Pole and Expandable Trailers hauling material over 50′ long Slurry Trucks, one-man operation Winch Trucks, three (3) axles or more Mechanic – Truck Welder and Truck Painter GROUP 4 Asphalt Plant Operators Dual-purpose vehicles, such as mounted crane trucks with hoist and accessories Mechanical Sweeper Foreman Master Mechanic Self-loading equipment like P.B. and trucks with scoops on the front Vac Truck Bulk Tank Trucks Fuel Trucks Service Trucks Buses Dry Batch Trucks Dump/Conveyer Trucks Fuel Trucks Grease Trucks Low Boys Scissor Trucks Service Trucks Telescope Trucks Water Trucks Excluded: All employees employed by the Employer covered by collective bargaining agreements with the International Union of Operating Engineers and the Laborers International Union of North America, office clerical employees, professional employees, guards and supervisors as defined by the Act. Teamsters Local Union No. 301