Newbold Services 

 Case Number: 15-RC-361432 Date Filed: 03/07/2025 Status: Open No Employees: 14   Location: London, AR Region Assigned: Region 15, New Orleans, Louisiana  Unit Sought: Included:  all housekeepers  Excluded:  supervisors, guards, etc in accordance with the act Laborers International Union of North America Local 360   

Imperial LLC 

 Case Number: 14-RC-361528 Date Filed: 03/07/2025 Status: Open No Employees: 10   Location: Joplin, MO Region Assigned: Region 14, Saint Louis, Missouri  Unit Sought: Included: warehouse workers Excluded: drivers, maintenance, coffee roaster/grinder Teamsters Local 823 General Drivers and Helpers   


 Case Number: 01-RC-361536 Date Filed: 03/07/2025 Status: Open No Employees: 37   Location: East Hartford, CT Region Assigned: Region 01, Boston, Massachusetts  Unit Sought: Included:  All regular full-time and part-time workers who perform work or  services consisting of, related to or incidental to: (1) the unloading,  stocking, handling, moving, ordering, delivering or selling of the  Company’s merchandise, as well as the feeding and cleaning of animals  and cleaning and maintaining of tanks, cages and other animal  enclosures; or (2) the grooming of, the caring for and lodging for pets  and training pet owner and pets. Excluded: Professional employees,  guards and supervisors as defined in the Act  United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, Local 371  

Mondelez Global, LLC 

 Case Number: 14-RD-361519 Date Filed: 03/07/2025 Status: Open No Employees: 5   Location: Springfield, MO Region Assigned: Region 14, Saint Louis, Missouri  Unit Sought: Included: All full-time and regular part-time drivers and working forepersons at the ER’s Springfield, MO domicile.  Excluded: All other employees, including office clerical, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. Teamsters, General Drivers and Helpers Local Union #823   


 Case Number: 13-RC-361554 Date Filed: 03/07/2025 Status: Open No Employees: 20   Location: Chicago, IL Region Assigned: Region 13, Chicago, Illinois  Unit Sought: Included:  All full-time and regular part-time employees of WFMT who create  content for broadcast and digital platforms, including program host,  program host/producer – radio, producer/host – radio content, producer –  radio content, producer – radio content/coordinator, announcer, music  director, recording engineer/producer, production and syndication  manager and producer, production assistant – radio, and administrative  coordinator/production assistant.  Excluded: All other employees, guards and supervisors as defined by the  Act. Screen Actors Guild – American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA)   

Fresenius Kidney Care (Imperial County) 

 Case Number: 21-RC-361547 Date Filed: 03/07/2025 Status: Open No Employees: 25   Location: El Centro, CA Region Assigned: Region 21, Los Angeles, California  Unit Sought: Included:  All full time and part time PCT, PCT 1, PCT 11, PCT III, LVN/LPN, AA,  Ward Clerk, Inventory Tech, PCT Trainee, Secretary, UA, Unit Assistant  Clerk  Excluded: All other classifications, including but not limited to  guards, managers, confidential employees and supervisors as defined by the Act. Service Employees International Union, United Healthcare Workers – West   

Roseville Point Health & Wellness Center 

 Case Number: 20-RC-361553 Date Filed: 03/07/2025 Status: Open No Employees: 15   Location: Roseville, CA Region Assigned: Region 20, San Francisco, California  Unit Sought: Involved: FT, PT & on-call Receptionists, Social Services Assistants & Respiratory Therapists  Excluded: All other employees, managers, guards, confidential employees, and supervisors as defined by the Act Service Employees International Union, Local 2015

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