RWJ/Barnabas Health, Inc./Barnabas Health Medical Group 

 Case Number: 22-RC-361865 Date Filed: 03/13/2025 Status: Open No Employees: 165   Location: New Brunswick, NJ Region Assigned: Region 22, Newark, New Jersey  Unit Sought: INCLUDED:   Academic physicians, medical physicists, and neuropsychologists who  hold faculty titles at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School and  who work on a full-time or regular part-time basis at the Employer’s  hospital facility in New Brunswick, NJ (1 Robert Wood Johnson Place, New  Brunswick, NJ and contiguous buildings)  EXCLUDED:  All other employees, casual and per-diem employees,  managerial employees, and guards and supervisors as defined in the Act American Association of University Professors – Biomedical and Health  Sciences of New Jersey, Local #6775, part of the Rutgers Council of AAUP  Chapters, AFT, AFL-CIO   

TSG Ski and Golf LLC 

 Case Number: 27-RC-361870 Date Filed: 03/13/2025 Status: Open No Employees: 9   Location: Telluride, CO Region Assigned: Region 27, Denver, Colorado  Unit Sought: Included:  Ski Patrol Supervisor (7), Snow Safety Manager (1) and Assistant Snow  Safety Manager (1). This is an Armour Globe petition for these positions  to join Telluride Professional Ski Patrol Association, CWA Local 7781,  which currently has 67 members. Excluded: All managerial, confidential,  and guard employees under the Act. Telluride Professional Ski Patrol Association, CWA Local 7781   

Herc Rentals, Inc. 

 Case Number: 05-RC-361875 Date Filed: 03/13/2025 Status: Open No Employees: 4   Location: Upper Marlboro, MD Region Assigned: Region 05, Baltimore, Maryland  Unit Sought: Included:  All full-time and regular part-time CRC Technicians. IBT Local 639  seeks an Armour-Globe self-determination election to add these employees  to its existing unit of “all full-time and regular part-time drivers  employed by the Employer at its facility”    Excluded: All other employees, professionals, guards, and supervisors as  defined by the Act   Teamsters Local No. 639 

Bally’s Corporation Evansville 

 Case Number: 25-RC-361874 Date Filed: 03/13/2025 Status: Open No Employees: 16   Location: Evansville, IN Region Assigned: Region 25, Indianapolis, Indiana  Unit Sought: Included: All fulltime and regular part time Slot Machine Attendants;  Excluded: All other employees, and all guards and supervisor as defined in the Act. Chauffeurs, Teamsters and Helpers, Local Union No.215   

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai-UAW 

 Case Number: 02-RC-361883 Date Filed: 03/13/2025 Status: Open No Employees: 220   Location: Manhattan, NY Region Assigned: Region 02, New York, New York  Unit Sought: Included:    All Instructors, Assistant Scientists, Associate Scientists, and Senior  Scientists who perform research services for the Employer.   Excluded:   All other employees, including office clericals, confidential employees,  managers, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. Researchers Organizing Committee at Sinai -UAW    

J & A Glass Inc. 

 Case Number: 18-RD-361898 Date Filed: 03/13/2025 Status: Open No Employees: 10   Location: Rogers, MN Region Assigned: Region 18, Minneapolis, Minnesota  Unit Sought: Included: J&A Glass Commercial Glaziers  Excluded: Residential and office employees  International Union of Painters and Allied Trades  

Confluence Health- Central Washington Hospital 

 Case Number: 19-RC-361901 Date Filed: 03/13/2025 Status: Open No Employees: 4   Location: Wenatchee, WA Region Assigned: Region 19, Seattle, Washington  Unit Sought: Included:  The Petitioner seeks to add through an Armour-Globe election all  regular full time, part time, and per diem Neurology EEG Techs  (Electroencephalogram Technician) employed at the 1201 N Miller St,  Wenatchee, WA 98801 location into the existing Central Washington  Hospital bargaining unit. Excluded:  All supervisors, guards, and  confidential employees as defined by the Act. United Food and Commerical Workers local 3000   

Legacy Medical Group 

 Case Number: 19-RC-361903 Date Filed: 03/13/2025 Status: Open No Employees: 175   Location: Portland, OR Region Assigned: Region 19, Seattle, Washington  Unit Sought: Included:  All part-time, full-time and per diem Nurse Practitioners, Physician  Associates, and Physician Assistants employed by Legacy Medical Group in  the Specialties Management Structure in Oregon and Washington,  including CNS, CNM, PMHNP, NNP, FNP, and PNP to be included in existing  APP bargaining unit at Emanuel and Good Samaritan Medical Centers.   Excluded: Supervisors.  Oregon Nurses Association  

Technical Glass Products, Inc. 

 Case Number: 19-RC-361905 Date Filed: 03/13/2025 Status: Open No Employees: 62   Location: Snoqualmie, WA Region Assigned: Region 19, Seattle, Washington  Unit Sought:  Included:All full time and regular part time production employees,  including machine operators, assemblers, welders, pre-finish, powder  coat, shipping and receiving and maintenance.  Excluded: All managers, confidential employees, office clerical  employees, guards, professional employees and supervisors as defined in  the Act. International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers   

Lesbian and Gay Community Services Center, Inc. 

 Case Number: 02-RC-361907 Date Filed: 03/13/2025 Status: Open No Employees: 63   Location: New York, NY Region Assigned: Region 02, New York, New York  Unit Sought: Included:  All regular full time and part time employees of the Employer Excluded:  Supervisors, managerial employees, confidential employees and guards as  defined by the Act  Communications Workers of America

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