Charter Communications Operating, LLC Case Number: 20-RD-306850 Date Filed: 11/09/2022 Status: Open No Employees: 2 Location: Kahului, HI Region Assigned: Region 20, San Francisco, California Unit Sought: Included: Customer service representatives, support, dispatchers Excluded: Sales, marketing, confidential employees, managerial personnel, casual production techs, air techs, janitors, guards, supervisors, and all other employees International Brotherhood of…
Shuler: Labor’s historic political effort paid off, will continue
SAAB Aerospace Case Number: 25-RC-306775 Date Filed: 11/08/2022 Status: Open No Employees: 52 Location: West Lafayette, IN Region Assigned: Region 25, Indianapolis, Indiana Unit Sought: Included: All full-time and regular part-time production and maintenance employees who are employed at the Employer’s 2099 Hypersonic Parkway West Lafayette, IN facility. Excluded: All other Employees, Office Clerical Employees,…