Starbucks Corporation  Case Number: 31-RC-296098Date Filed: 05/19/2022Status: OpenNo Employees: 38Location: Los Angeles, CARegion Assigned: Region 31, Los Angeles, CaliforniaUnit Sought: Included: All full-time and regular part-time Baristas, Shift Supervisors, and Assistant Store Managers employed by the Employer at its facility currently located at 3241 Figueroa St., Los Angeles, CA 90065. Excluded: All Store Managers, office clericals,…

Providence Health & Services – Oregon d/b/a Providence Willamette Falls Medical Center Case Number: 19-RC-295995Date Filed: 05/18/2022Status: OpenNo Employees: 4Location: Oregon City, ORRegion Assigned: Region 19, Seattle, WashingtonUnit Sought: Included: Building Engineers/Facilities Maintenance Excluded: All other employees incl. but not limited to temp employees, guards, employees whose duties are primarily supervisory in nature as defined…

US Foods Case Number: 10-RC-295705Date Filed: 05/12/2022Status: OpenNo Employees: 28Location: Charlotte, NCRegion Assigned: Region 10, Atlanta, GeorgiaUnit Sought: Included:· All Drivers with work dispatched out of Charlotte facility at the following location Statesville NC, Charlottesville VA, Coulmbia/Lexington SC, Florence SC, Myrtle Beach SC, Knoxville TN, Savannah GA/Hardeeville SC. Excluded: Supervisors, managers, maintenance. warehouse, clerical/office, all…

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