Labor Related Articles
University of Southern California
Case Number: 31-RC-308858 Date Filed: 12/14/2022 Status: Open No Employees: 3400 Location: Los Angeles, CA Region Assigned: Region 31, Los Angeles, California Unit Sought: Included: All graduate students enrolled at the University of Southern California (“USC”) who are employed by USC in teaching-related jobs, including Teaching Assistants and Assistant Lecturers (Job codes 032010 and 032014), and all graduate students enrolled at USC who are employed by USC in research-related jobs, including Research Assistants (regardless of funding sources, including those in job code 032012 and those compensated through fellowships and/or training grants). Excluded: Students employed as Student Worker (job code 032025); Student Worker, Research (job code 032024); and Student Worker, Supervisor (job code 032026); without a concurrent position included in the description above. All other employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. Graduate Student Workers Organizing Committee-UAW