Labor Related Articles
Midwest Air Traffic Control Services Inc.
Case Number: 01-RD-306960 Date Filed: 11/14/2022 Status: Open No Employees: 1 Location: West Tisbury, MA Region Assigned: Region 01, Boston, Massachusetts Unit Sought: Included: All full-time and regular part-time air traffic control specialists employed at Employer’s location in West Tisbury, MA Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO)
WC Brown Welding Inc.
Case Number: 31-RC-307032 Date Filed: 11/14/2022 Status: Open No Employees: 17 Location: Fontana, CA Region Assigned: Region 31, Los Angeles, California Unit Sought: Included: All shop ironworkers. Excluded: All other employees, guards, and supervisors as defined by the Act. Shopmen’s Local Union No. 509 of International Association of Bridge, Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers
Chellino Crane
Case Number: 13-RC-306988 Date Filed: 11/14/2022 Status: Open No Employees: 30 Location: Joliet, IL Region Assigned: Region 13, Chicago, Illinois Unit Sought: Included: All full-time and regular part-time Craft Foremen, A/D Directors, Operators, Oilers, Technicians, Riggers, Field Mechanics, Shop Mechanics, Shop Mechanics, Apprentices, Drivers, CDL Drivers, and Non-CDL Drivers employed at the Employer’s facilities in Local 150’s jurisdiction. Excluded: All office clerical employees, professional employees, sales representatives, guards, and supervisors as defined under the Act. International Union of Operating Engineers Local 150, AFL-CIO
Wadsworth Glen Rehabilitation Care Center
Case Number: 01-RC-306992 Date Filed: 11/14/2022 Status: Open No Employees: 90 Location: Middletown, CT Region Assigned: Region 01, Boston, Massachusetts Unit Sought: Included: All full time, regular part time and per diem Laundry Aides, House Keepers, Schedulers, Recreation Aides, Receptionists, All Dietary Workers, CNAs and LPNs. Excluded: All other employees, all Professionals Employees, all Guards, and all Supervisors as defined by the Act. New England Health Care Employees Union, District 1199, SEIU
Dignity Health CommonSpirit St. Mary’s Medical Center
Case Number: 20-RC-307019 Date Filed: 11/14/2022 Status: Open No Employees: 24 Location: San Francisco, CA Region Assigned: Region 20, San Francisco, California Unit Sought: Included: Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, Speech Pathologists, Therapist Coordinator. Excluded: All other classifications, including but not limited to guards, managers, confidential employees and supervisors as defined by the Act. Service Employees International Union, United Healthcare Workers-West
Atlantis Health Care- San German
Case Number: 12-RC-306962 Date Filed: 11/14/2022 Status: Open No Employees: 4 Location: San German, PR Region Assigned: Region 12, Tampa, Florida Unit Sought: Included: All maintenance employees that work for the above name Employer in the describe facility. Excluded:All other employees that work for the above name Employer in the describe facility, and all other employee excluded under the Act. Unión General de Trabajadores, SEIU, Local 1199