Labor Related Articles
PeaceHealth St. Joseph Medical Center
Case Number: 19-RC-304851 Date Filed: 10/07/2022 Status: Open No Employees: 9 Location: Bellingham, WA Region Assigned: Region 19, Seattle, Washington Unit Sought: Petitioner seeks to represent all full-time, part-time and per diem employees in Radiation Therapist job classifications employed by the Employer at St. Joseph Medical Center and Cancer Center by having these employees vote in a self-determination election to determine if they wish to be included in the existing Technical and Service bargaining unit. To be Included in the Existing Unit: All full-time, part-time and per diem Radiation Therapist employed by the Employer at its acute care hospital and Cancer Center. To be Excluded: All managerial employees, supervisory employees, guards, and any other confidential employees as defined in the National Labor Relations Act. The number of employees in the existing Technical and Service bargaining Unit is approximately 806. The number of employees to be included in the existing Technical and service Bargaining Unit is approximately 9. SEIU Healthcare 1199NW
Sheltering Arms Children & Family Services
Case Number: 02-RC-304788 Date Filed: 10/07/2022 Status: Open No Employees: 300 Location: New York, NY Region Assigned: Region 02, New York, New York Unit Sought: Included: All employees employed at New York City locations. Excluded: All managerial employees, supervisors, security guards, and confidential employees as defined by the Act, and employees already covered by collective bargaining agreement. District Council 37, AFSCME, AFL-CIO
Hallcon Corporation
Case Number: 16-RC-304828 Date Filed: 10/07/2022 Status: Open No Employees: 14 Location: Amarillo, TX Region Assigned: Region 16, Fort Worth, Texas Unit Sought: INCLUDED: Drivers located at Amarillo and Dalhart, TX and Liberal, KS. EXCLUDED: Supervisors and all others. TEAMSTERS LOCAL UNION 577
Siemens Industry, Inc.
Case Number: 19-RC-304852 Date Filed: 10/07/2022 Status: Open No Employees: 1 Location: Portland, OR Region Assigned: Region 19, Seattle, Washington Unit Sought: Included: All full-time sprinkler fitter service techs formerly classified as Fitters on 9/30/22. Excluded: All other employees, managers, professionals, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. Road Sprinkler Fitters Local Union 669, U.A., AFL-CIO
MV Transportation, Inc.
Case Number: 13-RC-304792 Date Filed: 10/07/2022 Status: Open No Employees: 4 Location: Chicago, IL Region Assigned: Region 13, Chicago, Illinois Unit Sought: Included: All fulltime, regular part time, and trainee road supervisors in Division 135. Excluded: All other employees, office clerical employees, guards and professional employees and supervisors as defined by the NLRA. International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 727