Labor Related Articles

STORTI Quality Services, LLC 

 Case Number: 02-RC-304636 Date Filed: 10/05/2022 Status: Open No Employees: 49   Location: Hawthorne, NY Region Assigned: Region 02, New York, New York  Unit Sought: Included:  All full time and regular part time Natural Gas Inspection Technicians  employed the Employer in the Greater New York area including the New  York counties of New York, Bronx, Kings, Queens, Richmond, Westchester,  Rockland, Orange and Sullivan and Bergen County New Jersey.   Excluded: All other employees, managers, supervisors and guards as  defined by the Act.  Communications Workers of America  

Allied Universal 

 Case Number: 12-RC-304685 Date Filed: 10/05/2022 Status: Open No Employees: 4   Location: Tampa, FL Region Assigned: Region 12, Tampa, Florida  Unit Sought: Included:   All full-time and part-time armed and unarmed security officers  performing guard duties as defined in Section 9(b)(3) of the National  Labor Relations Act. Employed by Allied Universal @9125 Henderson Road,  Tampa FL 33634  Excluded:  All office clerical employees, Professional employees and  supervisors as defined by the Act. International Union, Security, Police and Fire Professional of America (SPFPA)   

St. Charles Health System, Inc. 

 Case Number: 19-RC-304682 Date Filed: 10/05/2022 Status: Open No Employees: 40   Location: Bend, OR Region Assigned: Region 19, Seattle, Washington  Unit Sought: Included:  All full-time, regular part-time, and per diem Home Health Registered  Nurses and Hospice Care Registered Nurses, Transitions Navigator  Registered Nurses, Triage Hospice Registered Nurses, Triage Home Health  Community Care Registered Nurses, and Intake Referral Specialists Home  Health Registered Nurses employed by the Employer and who perform work  in the Bend, Madras, Prineville, and Redmond, Oregon service areas.  Excluded: All other employees, all other professional employees,  non-professional employees, office clerical employees, managers, and  guards and supervisors as defined by the Act. Oregon Nurses Association 

Englert Civic Theatre Inc. 

 Case Number: 18-RC-304672 Date Filed: 10/05/2022 Status: Open No Employees: 19   Location: Iowa City, IA Region Assigned: Region 18, Minneapolis, Minnesota  Unit Sought: Included:  All full-time and part-time stagehands and technicians employed by the  Englert Civic Theatre, Inc., who worked at least one event or show  between July 1, 2021 and June 30, 2022, including carpenters, riggers,  lighting technicians, audio technicians, fly rail operators, truck  loaders, and other similar technical positions engaged in the loading  in, operation and loading out of equipment used in connection with live  entertainment events presented at the Englert Theatre.  Excluded: All other employees including office clerical employees,  guards, and supervisors as defined in the Act.  IATSE, Local 690 

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