Labor Related Articles

Little Dog by the Met 

 Case Number: 01-RC-303772 Date Filed: 09/21/2022 Status: Open No Employees: 10   Location: Brunswick, ME Region Assigned: Region 01, Boston, Massachusetts  Unit Sought: Included: Barista, shift lead, shift manager Excluded: Store Manager Workers United  

Aria Resort and Casino 

 Case Number: 28-RC-303790 Date Filed: 09/21/2022 Status: Open No Employees: 8   Location: Las Vegas, NV Region Assigned: Region 28, Phoenix, Arizona  Unit Sought: INCLUDED:   All regular full-time and regular part-time employees working in the  Facilities Maintenance Department in the following classification:   Electronic Technician  EXLCUDED:  All secretarial, office clerical, sales and all managers,  supervisors and guards as defined in the National Labor Relations Act.  International Union of Operating Engineers Local 501, AFL-CIO  

KCBS/Audacy, Inc. (as joint employers) 

 Case Number: 20-RC-303793 Date Filed: 09/21/2022 Status: Open No Employees: 5   Location: San Francisco, CA Region Assigned: Region 20, San Francisco, California  Unit Sought: Included:  All full time and part time employees on the Digital Team. Job  classifications include Digital Content Producers, Social Media  Producers, and Multimedia Producers.   Excluded: Supervisory and Managerial Employees Digital and Multimedia Workers Union (DMWU)    

Proximo Distillers, LLC d/b/a Stranahan’s Colorado Whiskey 

 Case Number: 27-RC-303795 Date Filed: 09/21/2022 Status: Open No Employees: 14   Location: Denver, CO Region Assigned: Region 27, Denver, Colorado  Unit Sought: Included:  All full-time and part-time Distillers I, II, III and Bottling  Operators I, II, III employed at the 200 S. Kalamath facility. Excluded:  All Tour Guides, Bartenders, Warehouse Supervisors, Production Leads,  Production Administrators, Maintenance Technicians, Bottling Managers,  Production Supervisors, office and clerical employees, watchmen, guards  and professional employees and supervisors as defined in the National  Labor Relations Act, as amended, and all other employees. United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, Local 7, AFL-CIO   

BVHT, Inc. 

 Case Number: 06-RM-303804 Date Filed: 09/21/2022 Status: Open No Employees: 4   Location: Monaca, PA Region Assigned: Region 06, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania  Unit Sought: Included:  All production and maintenance employees.  Excluded:   All office clericals, guards, professional employe es, managerial employees and supervisors as defined in the Act.  

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