Labor Related Articles
Does the union really think these PCAs are stupid?
The state can increase the subsidy, and has done so periodically for years without the union. The so-called “paid time off” the SEIU claims to have secured for these brave women (and they are mostly women) is also a crock: Who can take time off caring for a sick child? It’s not an assembly line.
Indeed, the collective bargaining contract puts mandatory limits on their hours. As noted in a Daily Caller profile of Kris Greene, a Minnesota PCA who has cared for her daughter for 24 years:
The union…has made it so home health care workers cannot work for more than 40 hours a week, which is nearly impossible for those taking care of loved ones.
Read the whole article by Matt Patterson here.
The National Labor Relations Board has made that task much more difficult. In Graymont PA, Inc. 364 NLRB No. 37 (June 29, 2016), the Board held that an employer must meet a very high level of specificity in a management-rights clause before the Board will find that the union unequivocally waived its right to bargain over the action in question. Read more about it here.
As these innovations continue to transform freight rail and the entire transportation sector, federal regulations must adapt to reflect this modernization. Unfortunately, a recent Federal Railroad Administration proposal to mandate two-person crews on freight trains flies in the face of this progress and threatens to stall continued innovation by dragging the industry back to the past. Read more in the Inside Sources article.
Legal challenges to Persuader Rule prove to be successful. Last week a judge in Minnesota stated there was likely sufficient evidence to overturn the Department of Labor’s rule. This week another judge put the new regulation on ice. Attorney’s and Employers are breathing a sigh of relief as the rule would have required reporting that many felt would violate attorney client privilege and worse prevent employers from obtaining legal representation in labor campaigns. You can read about it here: http://www.ogletreedeakins.
The Federal Aviation Administration’s funding extension lasts until July. The House version of the FAA reauthorization includes spinning off Air Traffic Control into the ATC Corporation, a federally chartered, not-for-profit monopoly. The Senate version does not include this measure. Congress needs to pass a bill by the end of July, or the FAA will run out of funding. Read entire article here.
by F. Vincent Vernuccio April 15, 2016 11:23 AM Let non-union workers choose whether they want the union to represent them. A Wisconsin judge recently struck down the state’s right-to-work law. Dane County judge William Foust ruled that under the law, “a free-rider problem is born — the ability of nonmembers to refuse to pay for services unions are compelled to provide by law.” He then sided with the three unions in the case, including the Wisconsin State AFL-CIO, that argued that the right-to-work law took their property without just compensation.
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