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httTeachers Unions Spend $700 Million per Year Explicitly on Political Advocacy 0 Comments/in , /by

As readers know by now, Dropout Nation determined in research released last October that National Education Association and American Federation of Teachers spend roughly $700 million per year on advocacy. This report undermined the unions’ preferred narrative that they are scrappy underdogs fighting for public schools. As you would expect, especially on Twitter, NEA’s […]
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H.R. 3459, “Protecting Local Business Opportunity Act”
Oct 28, 2015

The markup is scheduled at 10:00 a.m. in room HVC 210 in the Capitol Visitor Center.

**View a Live Webcastof the Hearing**
Please note that this feature is only available when Committee on Education and the Workforce hearings are in progress. Contact the committee at least two business days prior to the scheduled event for closed captioning requests.

Daily Caller – Federal officials are refusing to answer questions on what sort of relationship they have with a top union leader, according to videos released Tuesday.

The three videos were taken during an Oct. 16 talk by two top federal officials. The first video depicts National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) General Counsel Richard Griffin admitting certain recent federal initiatives have been solely influenced by unions. Particularly a union-backed movement known as Fight for $15. The second two videos show Griffin and Wage and Hour administrator David Weil dodging the question of what sort of connections they have with a union leader connected to the movement.

To read the full article, click here. 

RWP Labor prepares for EFCA-2 as AFL-CIO introduces WAGE Act.  Employers will need a “Full Court Press” plan from the shop floor to policy work.

By Nathan Mehrens

labor dragonAfter several years of debate, the Canadian Parliament last week passed legislation to require financial transparency from labor unions. This is a monumental achievement deserving of praise. It was not easy.

I had the privilege to be present for some of the debates on this legislation back in 2012. The unions and their allies, in typical fashion, threw every argument at the bill they could think of, from the tired and illogical that the bill is an “attack on the middle class,” to the factually incorrect claim, that it would result in fines of “$1 million a day for a union that did not comply.”


Have you ever seen a Railroad or Airline decertify a union.  Trey Kovac tells us why in this article.

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