Labor Related Articles

RWP Labor prepares for EFCA-2 as AFL-CIO introduces WAGE Act.  Employers will need a “Full Court Press” plan from the shop floor to policy work.

By Nathan Mehrens

labor dragonAfter several years of debate, the Canadian Parliament last week passed legislation to require financial transparency from labor unions. This is a monumental achievement deserving of praise. It was not easy.

I had the privilege to be present for some of the debates on this legislation back in 2012. The unions and their allies, in typical fashion, threw every argument at the bill they could think of, from the tired and illogical that the bill is an “attack on the middle class,” to the factually incorrect claim, that it would result in fines of “$1 million a day for a union that did not comply.”


Have you ever seen a Railroad or Airline decertify a union.  Trey Kovac tells us why in this article. has posted an article on 2,100 new regulations the Obama Administration has implemented.

Airline employees and Railroad employees work under a different set of labor laws than the rest.  For the most that’s a good thing, as the Railway Labor Act (RLA) was designed to protect workers right while maintaining the integrity of America’s supply chains.  In short making sure your goods make it to market.

However one issue the RLA has is that if workers want to end their relationship with the union that represents them the RLA offers no straight forward way to decertify that union.  Here is one success case where the Flight Dispatchers at Allegiant Airlines managed to do the impossible.

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