Labor Secretary Acosta’s cautious approach to dismantling Obama-era policies has led to rumors that he is using the position to bide his time while he waits for a judgeship nomination, possibly eyeing an appellate bench as a pathway to the Supreme Court. Rumors of his judgeship aspirations are not new, following along with him through a prestigious career that has included legal appointments under President Bush. A recent Bloomberg article, which interviewed friends and associates of Acosta, also seems to point to that belief.

Acosta, a former US Attorney and law school dean, as well as a long-time member of the Federalist Society, checks many of the boxes that would make him a desirable judge candidate. His age of 49 would also mean that he could hold his position for decades. It is unknown if the White House has Acosta on its radar for any judicial positions, but a source close to Acosta credits Acosta’s choice of keeping a low profile during his first year in office to the  delays in confirming DOL personnel.

Read more about the speculations here.


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