The National Right to Work Foundation has sent a letter to the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) this week requesting that the Board address doctrines that make it difficult for employees to hold union decertification votes. 

At a recent American Bar Association Conference, Board Members made statements that the NLRB intends to use rulemaking to change two policies that restrict a workers’ right to vote out union officials’ unwanted representation: the “blocking charge” policy and the “voluntary recognition bar” doctrine. The letter from Foundation Vice President and Legal Director Raymond LaJeunesse requested the Board expand the scope of their rulemaking to address all non-National Labor Relations Act “bars” and “blocks” on employees’ right to hold elections to remove unwanted union representation.

“These restrictive doctrines have granted power to union bosses at the expense of the rights of the employees whose choice the National Labor Relations Act purports to protect,” said Mark Mix, president of the National Right to Work Foundation. “Each of these Board-invented doctrines actively undermines the NLRA’s central premise by trapping workers in unions that lack the support of a majority of workers, which is why the announced rulemaking should eliminate all of these non-statutory barriers to holding decertification votes.”

Read more about the Foundation request here.


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